Thursday 29 April 2010

Homosexuality is not a “lifestyle choice” – Christianity is

Christians feel that they are being discriminated against and that their values are being ignored. But what people of all faiths need to realise is the difference between practicing a faith, and imposing those views on others.

Perhaps the best recent example of this supposed “discrimination” is the case of a nurse prevented from openly wearing a crucifix at work: I wouldn’t bother reading the whole article, but this is probably the best bit:

“She sees herself as the victim of politically correct persecution, particularly as other hospital staff have been allowed to carry on wearing the Muslim hijab or headscarf. 'I feel personally discriminated against, and I am very angry,' said the nurse.”

Monday 26 April 2010

North Devon General Election News

I was at the campaign launch, now here's an interview with the candidate. interview with the communist candidate

Who wouldn't vote for a communist in tweed with a pencil behind his ear?

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Aspiration and choice – the two great phantoms of the neoliberal agenda

Aspiration and choice – the two great phantoms of the neo-liberal agenda. Everyone aspires to do better for themselves and their children; everyone wants the freedom to choose how they live their lives. These two pillars form the basis of Western political thought, and anyone who dares question their validity is either an oppressive totalitarian or a patronising do-gooder with no experience of the real world.

In the 2010 election campaign the three main parties will all be pushing the choice and aspiration mantra. More choice over schools – to the extent that parents are able to set up one of their own, the right to chose which hospital you go to, choosing your police chief, helping people become home owners, raising the aspirations of old industrial working class areas to the giddy heights of the service sector – the list is endless. Each policy is, in its own right, a worthwhile cause, yet not a single one addresses the fundamental iniquities of our current economic and political system. People are encouraged to engage with these small issues as long as they don’t challenge the hegemony of the monopoly class.

Sunday 11 April 2010

And they’re off – So that’s what the bad smell is

So the election has been officially announced and the campaigns are underway. Apart from the Conservative “Voluntary National Service” (and who is that going to help? The people who volunteer will be the nice boys and girls who don’t need help. And if it’s compulsory, well that doesn’t even bare thinking about – Hitler youth anyone. Besides, has anyone asked the over 65s if they want smelly teenagers picking up leaves for them. . .) it’s all about National Insurance.

The Conservatives are planning to cut a tax that hasn’t even come into effect yet: hardly the most daring electoral pledge. And to pay for it, lets hear it for the ever-present panacea, efficiency savings. Efficiency savings. You can really feel the slimy smile of Big Dave as he looks you up and down, axe in one hand, latest CBI report in the other, “It’s for your own good. No one likes the state anyway, so we’ll go about abolishing it, bit by bit, starting with all the services that people actually use”.

Sunday 4 April 2010

Lock 'em up and throw away the key!

I love starting blogs with quotes. The award for the best from this week goes to Eric Carlin:

“Our decision was unduly based on media and political pressure.” “As well as being extremely unhappy with how the ACMD (Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs) operates, I am not prepared to continue to be part of a body which, as its main activity, works to facilitate the potential criminalisation of increasing numbers of young people.”

The mephedrone decision “was seen as a quick fix so that the home secretary could be seen to be acting tough on drugs before an election.”